Friday, August 24, 2012


Cheaters never prosper; or do they?

I think it's safe to say that cheaters do prosper. They carry on a relationship with someone else and lie about it, and if they get caught in the lie they have something to fall back on and if they don't get caught well then they get to live the best of both worlds. 

Now I'm not saying cheating is acceptable, or right by any means and I think a person caught cheating should be punished, but it seems that the person cheated on always seems to be the only one hurting when the cheating happens. 

And why do people blame themselves? Dude, wake up and smell the coffee; it's not your fault you were cheated on, there may have been signs you overlooked, but it's not your fault that cheating actually happened. 

The cheater is at fault, the cheater is always at fault. Whether it be their insecurities or fears that led them astray it's their fault for actually going through with cheating. 

Now, the question is how do you keep a cheater from cheating? And the answer is simple; you don't. If a man met you when he had a girlfriend the likelihood of him meeting a girl and striking a conversation they way he did with you is pretty high. I mean if you're comfortable enough to do something once, why not do it again. But of course you can never express the insecurities you have to them because guess what; you showing insecurities -> makes them insecure -> making them want to cheat. 

It's all cycle babble honestly. 

No, that wasn't a typo I don't mean psycho as in pertaining to the mind and studies, I literally mean cycle; as in the process of cheating (and yes it is a process) is a cycle and cheaters are people who don't know how to break cycles.

That means that if they aren't happy with an aspect of their life they won't change it. They'll continue going through the motions until they have someone or something they consider stable, in which case then they'll move onto that relationship. Their only problem is they don't realize there as done with their new relationship as they were their old one. 


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