Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sins of the Past

So here's the big question should a person be held accountable for the sins of their past?

Sometimes we play with our own emotions, pushing things into the back of our own mind, not holding them up to a standard they should be held to, and then when we get everything we wanted and worked so hard for we find out that those things we pushed to the back of our mind are still there and that they have festered into a putrid disdain.

How then do you blame the person who you let things slide for? Is it in fact even their fault?

So then you begin to blame yourself because your the one who tried to pretend like things didn't bother you when they were actually eating you up inside. If you bring up your issues they look at you as if a new head sprouted from your shoulder, and the feelings just eat you up inside.

There never seems to be an easy way of expressing your feelings without someone getting defensive, but the truth is that sometimes people need to shut up and listen to the rant. Stop feeling like you're being attacked and realize that the person ranting just has feelings they need to get out; they don't necessarily need an immediate response they just want you to know how they feel.

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