Thursday, August 30, 2012
Johnny Depp
Like any person who loves to write I want to write the next great American novel. But, what would it be about? There doesn't seem to be a complete thought of what I could write that would set my book apart from those already written. Having studied literature for so many years I have an appreciation for the old styles. There's something about a good satire that warms the soul.
On that thought it came to me! The only way to write a great novel is to just write; unbiased by the thoughts of others and not caring about them. With my new found prolific thought in process I have decided to go to the drawing board.
Here's to my first day of many to come!
I love you; I hate your BFF
The worst thing in the world is being with someone who puts all their efforts into their best friend, especially when that best friend does nothing in return for them. Now there are those friends who financially mooch, but are actual good people and are there for someone good or bad times. But, the friend that is the topic of this rant today is not.
Ask that person you're dating; "When was the LAST time you were going through something and they were really there for you?", there response usually dates somewhere back to childhood when they broke up with their first love or their parents got divorced. Here's what I have to say FLY A KITE IN TRAFFIC, you are holding someone in such high regards because of actions a decade ago. Why don't you try putting two and two together of what they aren't doing for you now and what you're doing for them.
So here's a toast to you, the BFF who can't stand up to the actual meaning of being a friend.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The moments
There is a time in life when your age starts to put things in perspective for you, and the world you live in becomes small.
You stop thinking of everything as a means to an end and start realizing you're your own means to an end.
No matter what anyone says to you, thinks of you, or wants from you, you control the world around you, the world that in fact does revolve around you and you do control.
People will always have something to say about you and you can't control how they feel, but you can control how you act and how you allow them to make you feel.
Truth is though if you let others control the way you feel, especially about yourself, you've given up hope on yourself. You've allowed them to bring out a side of you that shouldn't be allowed to exist.
Love yourself or no one else will!
Sins of the Past
Sometimes we play with our own emotions, pushing things into the back of our own mind, not holding them up to a standard they should be held to, and then when we get everything we wanted and worked so hard for we find out that those things we pushed to the back of our mind are still there and that they have festered into a putrid disdain.
How then do you blame the person who you let things slide for? Is it in fact even their fault?
So then you begin to blame yourself because your the one who tried to pretend like things didn't bother you when they were actually eating you up inside. If you bring up your issues they look at you as if a new head sprouted from your shoulder, and the feelings just eat you up inside.
There never seems to be an easy way of expressing your feelings without someone getting defensive, but the truth is that sometimes people need to shut up and listen to the rant. Stop feeling like you're being attacked and realize that the person ranting just has feelings they need to get out; they don't necessarily need an immediate response they just want you to know how they feel.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
So basically a leader is placed in a position of having power but with no true guidelines on how they should act or treat others. Now it may be thought that most systems that contain a leadership role/position hold those attempting to attain the position to certain standards, but what happens when an institution sets its standards to a strict monetary standard?